A2Dominion aim to maintain and improve our homes to a liveable standard. Sometimes it may be the case that our customers can't remain in their property whilst works are being carried out and they may need to be move out of their home - this is known as being decanted.
Why do I need to be decanted?
There are three kinds of decanting that our customers may experience:
Emergency decants
There are unplanned unexpected works required to take place quickly, which means you won't be able to remain in your home because it is no longer safe or habitable. Customers will need to leave their home immediately or within 24 hours of the issue coming to light. Depending on the scale of works required, an initial short term solution for accommodation will be arranged. Other accommodation options will be made available if the property will not be safe or habitable for a longer period.
Planned temporary decants
The type of planned works required at a property will mean you won't be able to remain there whilst the work is carried out. These are planned with our Property Services team and a start date is agreed. Customers will be given notice of the plan for being decanted from the property.
Permanent decants
In the case where a site is due for redevelopment or is being disposed of, you will need to be moved to a new home permanently. A2Dominion will support customers who need to be rehoused by working with the local authority or transferring them to another A2Dominion home. You will be asked to complete a form indicating that you are entitled to a statutory home loss payment.
Further information about decanting
Emergency and planned temporary decants
In the first instance, A2Dominion will ask if customers are able to live with family or friends while works are carried out. This is often the easiest and least disruptive option, and we will compensate you for the time you are away from your home. If this is not possible, we will talk to you about alternative options, including temporary accommodation through the local authority, bed and breakfast or hotel accommodation.
A2Dominion will give you an approximate length of time you will need to be away from the property and will provide you with regular updates on the work. It is important to note that timescales for the works may change depending on the circumstances.
Customers will be issued with a decant agreement, confirming the terms and conditions of the alternative accommodation arrangements. We will arrange for personal belongings to be secured within your home where possible, but in some cases they may need to be removed and kept in storage while works are carried out. The cost of any removals and storage of possessions will be covered by A2Dominion. Customers will need to sign a disclaimer to either consent to personal possessions being held in a locked room within your home, or that the property is clear of any items.
A licence agreement may need to be signed if the temporary decant property is owned by A2Dominion. Customers will be liable for any utility bills in temporary accommodation if the property is self-contained, such as a flat or house.
A property handover meeting will be arranged at the start of the decant where the customer will give us the keys to the property. If there are any pre-payment meters in the property for gas or electricity, we will need to be provided with meter cards or keys. Meter balances and readings will be taken at the beginning and the end of the decant and the costs of usage by our contractors during the decanted period will be paid for by us. Customers should continue to make payments for rent and council tax as normal.
Customers will not be able return to the property once works have started due to the health and safety risk. Customers will be able to return to the property once the works have been completed
A2Dominion will arrange an inspection of the work once it has been completed. We will then arrange for the customer to return to their home.
Permanent decants
In cases where permanent decant is required, A2Dominion will work with the customer and the Local Authority to find a permanent alternative home.
Our Central Lettings team will help you register on A2Dominion’s internal transfer list. You will also need to register with the Local Authority's housing register so you have can find a new permanent home as quickly as possible.
Customers affected by permanent decanting will be entitled to access a Government Home Loss payment and financial assistance to cover costs such as removals and Royal Mail redirection. We will contact you to discuss the details of your permanent move and clarify what assistance you are entitled to in the search for your new home.
What will happen if I don't want to be decanted or refuse an offer of an alternative home?
In cases where customers don't want to be decanted, essential works to the property may be delayed. We will discuss your reasons to find a suitable resolution but, if you refuse, we may need to take legal action that requires you to move.
Who can I talk to about decanting?
Once you have been informed that you will be decanted, A2Dominion will provide you with a main point of contact who you can speak to about any queries regarding decanting. This will usually be a Neighbourhood or Housing Officer.