
Please get in touch as soon as possible so that we can help you sort things out. Email or call our Customer Contact team.

No matter the situation or your relationship to the person who has died, we'll need certain official documents from you to be able to help. Legally, we can't do anything without these documents.

Please send us:

  • A death certificate or a coroner's interim certificate

We also need one or all of the following:

  • A signed copy of the will
  • Letters of administration / grant of probate
  • A letter from the solicitor or legal representative of the person acting on behalf of the person who has died

Unfortunately we can't accept a power of attorney instead of the documents on this list. You can apply for a grant of probate on the website.

Email these documents to or post them to:

Leasehold Team
113 Uxbridge Road
W5 5TL

What happens next?

Once we've got these, we can then give you a statement of the leaseholder's account with us. Then we'll work with you to arrange the transfer of the leasehold into someone else's name.

It will either need to be transferred to:

  • The beneficiary named in the will
  • The person who buys the property, or
  • The joint owner

If you're the joint owner of your home, it will be transferred to you automatically, but we'll still need to issue you with a notice of transfer that you'll need to send to the Land Registry.

We recommend you get someone to help with the legal side of things. Any cost for this should be covered by the deceased person's estate. Contact your local Citizen's Advice. They can tell you who you could speak to locally. Find your nearest Citizen's Advice office, or call them on 03444 111 444.

If you don't want legal representation, you can fill out the forms with the Land Registry yourself. Read the government's guidance on how to update property records when someone dies.