
In April 2023, the Regulator of Social Housing introduced Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) aimed at helping improve standards for people living in social housing.

These form part of a new system for enabling tenants see how well their landlord is performing and holding them to account.

The TSMs also enable the regulator to see which landlords may need to make improvements.

What are the measures?

In total, there are 22 TSMs against which our performance will be measured.

This is made up of 12 tenant perception measures and 10 management information measures:

  • 12 customer perception measures: These will show tenant satisfaction with the services we provide, for example, how well we’ve managed repairs or resolved complaints.
  • 10 performance measures: These measures are based on our performance information, for example, how many of our homes meet the Decent Homes standard and how many cases of anti-social behaviour have been reported to us.

The key areas include:

  • Repairs
  • Building safety and quality
  • Respectful and helpful tenant engagement
  • Complaint handling
  • Responsible neighbourhood management

The full list of TSMs can be found on the government website.

These measures will provide valuable insights to our customer satisfaction and highlight areas for improvement in our service delivery. They will let you see how well we are doing in each area and will provide standards to which we will be held accountable.

How do you gather data?

All social housing providers are required to ask customers a set of standard questions at least once a year that relate to their level of satisfaction.

For example, questions relating to how satisfied you are with the quality of your home and how quickly we respond to complaints.

The results are shared with the regulator and published online for customers to view.

We’ve been carrying out surveys with our customers each month since April 2023. The results are then collated and reviewed before being published on our website.

From April 2024 onwards, we’ll work with an independent research partner called The Leadership Factor (TLF) who are specialists in customer experience to conduct the Tenant Satisfaction Measures surveys. They follow the Market Research Society Code of Conduct and the GDPR, and your answers will be subject to the market research rules of confidentiality.

When and where will you publish the results?

As a landlord with over 1,000 homes, we submit our TSM results to the regulator annually. We will report our results by June each year and publish these on our website.

You, as a customer, can use this information to understand how we are doing.

Who introduced these measures and why?

The Government’s ‘Charter for Social Housing Residents’, first published in 2020, outlined the need for a set of tenant satisfaction measures. More than 1,000 responses from social housing tenants, councils, housing associations and others in the sector were recorded. A consensus was reached on the need for a set of measures to ensure landlord accountability. Tenants were consulted on the TSMs by the regulator last year and a final set of measures were introduced.

Where can I get more information on the TSMs?

You can find out more about the measures from the Regulator of Social Housing.