
We have a number of ways to help you with money matters. Speak to our Tenancy Sustainment team who can offer you advice.

They will give you practical help with money issues. This includes:

  • Making decisions on how to manage your money
  • Reducing the amount you pay on bills
  • Checking that you're claiming everything you're entitled to
  • Applying for benefits including Universal Credit, Housing Benefit, disability benefits, pensioner benefits and Child Benefit. 
  • Saving money by moving to a smaller home if you're affected by bedroom tax
  • Appealing and over-payments
  • Explaining how to apply for the Tenancy Sustainment Fund which can help take off some of the financial pressure
  • Applying to hardship and discretionary schemes offered by your local council 

Get in touch

To talk to a member of the team, call us on 0800 432 0077 or email

Money Advice Service

You can also contact the Money Advice Service. Its website has lots of helpful information about money-related topics. Or call them for free on 0300 500 5000.

Universal Credit 

If you’re on Universal Credit or think you might use it in the future, this Money Manager tool from ‘Money Helper' can help guide you. You can also use our step by step guide to apply for Universal Credit

Cost of living help

Cost of living increases are affecting everyone in different ways. If you’re experiencing difficulties, the cost of living helper has lots of information on money matters, providing helpful advice and tips on where you can get the support you need.